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Sierra Hotel


Screen shots


Looking for trouble and if I am lucky I just might find some!


On my way to do a little bridge work ran into a old friend.

Ran into a flight of B-52's heading back to the base.


Off into the wild blue

Loaded for all occasions but looks like it is mud that i'll be movin! With all that hardware I feel as strong as Samson must have.


 At about 10,000 ft. I pickled my primary weapon. I did a hasty climb to 20,000 and that was when the flash blinded me for a short time. After the flash the sky was dark and foggy.


Knee pad info can be real handy to keep to your waypoint timetable. Great for knowing the right time to be at start point for Barcaps. Also helps to keep on time for landing so waiting in a hold pattern is at a minimum.
